LeadUp: Tutoring (Harmon & CBMS)
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools
Tutoring at Sumner Academy and Wyandotte High School
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools
Tutoring at Sumner Academy and Wyandotte High School
Join Chief Karl Oakman and the men and women of the KCKPD as they walk with residents and community leaders as a sign of unity in the fight against crime ...
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools
Tutoring at Sumner Academy and Wyandotte High School
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools
Tutoring at Sumner Academy and Wyandotte High School
Join us for a delightful afternoon at ThrYve's 2025 Youth Violence Prevention Week Kickoff! A day filled with fun, food, and memories!
YVPW activities and events to be announced soon.
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools
Tutoring at Sumner Academy and Wyandotte High School
Tutoring offered at J.C. Harmon High School and Carl Bruce Middle School
ThrYve Afterschool Programming at participating ThrYve schools