ThrYve Youth & Systems Advisory Board Meeting
The ThrYve Youth and Systems Advisory Board will meet virtually on Zoom. Due to weather this meeting will be VIRTUAL ONLY
The ThrYve Youth and Systems Advisory Board will meet virtually on Zoom. Due to weather this meeting will be VIRTUAL ONLY
As the capstone to National Youth Violence Prevention Week 2024, several ThrYve youth participated in a collaborative podcast with two other Youth Violence Prevention Centers from across the country. As …
To mark a national week focused on preventing violence among youth, the Youth Violence Prevention Center of Kansas City, or YVPC-KC, will partner with community organizations and schools to offer …
At the GGS’ annual Community Forum, Brandon Wolf, who survived the June 2016 mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub but lost his two best friends, has turned “pain into purpose” in …
University of Kansas faculty are striving to advance knowledge, interpret our world, solve problems, spark innovation, create beauty and catalyze imagination through their research, scholarship and creative activity. Through the …
Youth violence sends an average of 1,000 young people to emergency rooms across the country every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among Black youth ages …
A grant to KU is funding a new research center that will further youth violence prevention efforts in Kansas City “A school program funded through a federal grant to KU …
Congratulations to our colleague Josh Harsin, mentored by Jomella Watson-Thompson, who has received a dissertation award, “Evaluating a Community-Based Violence Prevention Program: Impacts at the Individual and Community Level” from the …
“ThrYve, a local group in partnership with the University of Kansas Health System, says they are working to prevent violent crime among youth. ‘ThrYve stands for Together Helping Reduce Youth …
According to the Wyandotte County Health Department, homicide is the number one cause of death for people ages 15 to 44 in Wyandotte. The county sees more violence in general, …